Learning from Asia in Education

Learning from Asia (LfA) in Education is an initiative led by our institute to develop a framework for exploring how European and Western educationalists, particularly in Hungary, can benefit from the experiences, knowledge, and reforms of Asian education systems.

Asian education systems, through recent reforms, have generated valuable insights that can enhance the understanding and capacity of European and Hungarian education to address 21st-century challenges. The initiative emphasizes collaboration and reflection, incorporating feedback from partners while the Hungarian LfA team assumes full responsibility for its content.

A key highlight of our project was the “Learning from Asia in Education” conference, organized by our institute. Guided by the “Issues Paper,” the event brought together ten invited speakers from Asia and Europe for plenary sessions and panel discussions, alongside presentations by Asian PhD students in Hungary, who shared their research through a “Learning from Asia” perspective. The conference fostered collaboration and the exchange of ideas, bridging Asian and European educational practices.



Conservative Approach to Education

The Conservative Approach to Education is an international research and networking project aimed at developing a holistic conservative educational narrative. Conceived in 2023, the project seeks to offer a credible alternative to the prevailing liberal narratives in education. To build this alternative, we have formed a unique network of European and American educational partners dedicated to re-thinking and reshaping conventional approaches to education.

A core component of the project is research, centered on an international comparative study of history and citizenship education. Through this study, we aim to identify and analyze key trends in history and civic education across European and Atlantic contexts.
